Discover our Cuban Culture
Trip Planner
Are you the kind of traveler who likes to plan spontaneously? Or perhaps you don’t like the formality of the travel agencies schedules. Then, we have the solution for you. Book us and get on top of the accommodation our trip planning service.

Cuban destinations that you must visit:

The town that keeps the secrets of harvesting and producing the best cigars in the world: Cohibas. Feel hosted by local themselves, visit caves, horse ride, harvest tobacco leaves at a tobacco plantation and make your own cigar.

The iconic cuban beach. Just relax under the sun of our most iconic beach and enjoy the beauty of the landscape.

The city trapped in time. It’s like driving a time machine and get back more than 500 years to colonial Spanish times. First UNESCO World Heritage Site in Cuba. Walk by 500 years old cobble stones streets; do trekking in Topes de Collantes Hill, visit sugar cane plantations at Los Ingenios Valley and all that assisted by our local collaborators.
We provide accommodation and transportation to these cuban destinations.

Herbal Medicine
Have a conversation with an Afro-Cuban priest, know the secrets of sacred plants, elaborate your own herbal soap and enjoy a traditional Afro-Cuban lunch at the priest’s house.

Our guests love to spend quality time nourishing themselves with Cuban culture and its aphrodisiac elements.
Many consider it an unprecedented experience.
Habano Sommelier
Learn the history of the most world famous cigar. Try an Habano, we’ll teach you how to smoke it while sipping a shot of Havana Club rum Special and Cuban coffee made in an old traditional way